Friday 6 January 2017

Bitcoin rise explaing

For those who know economy and bitcoin in particular the rise of Bitcoin this year, the reasons are as
clear as day light but for those who do not know allow me to explain as shortly and simple as I can.

The rapid price raise is mainly push by Chinese people that see their currency devaluation time and time again by the Chinese governments pushing the Chinese exporting interest  all other world countries, once the Chinese government also impose capital controls to their people so they don't send their money out of the country to protect their assets from future devaluation, which are sure to come following the Chinese Government tactics.

That is why bitcoin is going up like a rocket,  because is not control by any government and allow people to by pass all the crazy and tiranic rules that Bank,Politicians and Central Banks impose on people around the world.

Is very simple , Chinese people are buying bitcoin to protect their money and they either keep the bitcoins or buy something else out of china by passing the capital controls the Government impose.

If you don't have bitcoin you better get them fast because this year the best performing asset is Bitcoin. 

Here is the best bitcoin wallet in the world, join before is too late or too expensive to call a opportunity.

Join Local bitcoins now and don't let the future pass you by.

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